252.2 sec. 1 - Antitrust (Spring 2008)
Instructor: Howard A. Shelanski (view instructor's teaching evaluations | profile)
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Units: 4
Meeting Time: MTuW 2:05-3:10
Meeting Location: 140
Course Control Number (2Ls/3Ls): 49649
Antitrust law embodies our nation's competition policy. This course covers the fundamentals of antitrust as well as underpinning legal and economic theory. Topics include horizontal restraints (monopoly, cartels, oligopoly, and miscellaneous cooperative activities among competitors); vertical restraints of trade between suppliers and customers (including resale price maintenance, territorial and customer restrictions, tying arrangements, exclusive dealing, and requirements contracts); and horizontal, vertical and conglomerate mergers.
Exam Notes: F
Course Category: Business Law
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